Tuesday, May 18, 2010

19 days and $1809 to go.

Thanks to everyone who contributed my place on the San Diego team is assured! That's the good news. Also, my calf cramps seem to be totally cured with my use of the compression stockings. But...

Now, for the "not so good" news. After my 18 mile run about 3 weeks ago, I planned an easier week with a maximum run of about 12 miles on the following weekend. I ended up walking the last two miles of that run with a muscle cramp or pain in my right hip. I haven't been able to run more than about 3 miles since that day without the pain returning. It doesn't seem to be the joint, thank goodness, but it has definitely knocked me "off my game" with the training. I may be walking a good bit of the marathon in San Diego, but I am determined to finish. The Dr. has diagnosed iliotibial band syndrome, so I am working hard to stretch and strengthen the muscles - hip abductor (tensor fascia lata), gluteus minimus, and gluteus medius - and tendons running down the right side of my right leg. I'm learning about muscles I didn't even know I had!

As I read the material on iliotibial band syndrome, I came across a discussion of greater trochanteric bursitis. This actually matches the symptoms I am having very closely. The cause (building mileage too quickly) also matches. The treatment is anti-inflammatories, moderate rest, and strenghthening and stretching of the muscles I mentioned above. So, that's my plan for the next 3 weeks until race day.