Sunday, May 3, 2009

133 days and $2085 to go!

I rode the crank off my bike this week! Literally!

I have toe clips on my bike. I know, to the unfamiliar it sounds like a medieval torture device but they are actually quite handy. They consist of a short plastic cage and a strap to keep the toe of your shoe on the pedal. Sometimes, on long rides, they can actually feel like a medieval torture device. I don't tighten the strap because when I fall - and I do fall - I don't want to be fastened tightly to the bike. But, keeping your feet securely in the pedals while you are riding is definitely a good thing. Well, back to the crank. I was about 7 miles into a 10 mile loop on tuesday when I noticed that my left pedal seemed to be a little loose. Something actually started clicking against the frame of my bike. It was the crank. I was rounding a bend about 3 miles from home when I found that the left pedal and crank were just hanging by the toe clip from my left foot. Just like that the whole left crank popped off of the bike.

At that point, I decided to turn my 10 mile bike workout into a 7 mile bike, 3 mile run "brick" workout. So, grabbing the crank and pedal in my left hand and guiding the bike with my right, I jogged the 3 miles back home to finish the workout. Now my Cannondale is in the shop and I am riding my trusty Specialized. This is the bike I use for touring with my brother.

Thursday was a magical evening. It was the Team in Training kickoff celebration for the summer season. It was great to see two of my Philadelphia Triathlon team members at the party. No matter how many of these events I may do, the first one in Philadelphia along with the people with whom I shared it will always be special to me.

This morning, for the first time this year, I completed the 30 mile loop from my house which follows the Greater Cleveland Triathlon course. It took me about 2 hours. This coming week I will be running in florida.

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