Sunday, April 18, 2010

49 days and $2885 to go!

A real cure for my calf cramps? Two words - "compression socks".

Dave Scott, Mr. Triathlon, highly recommends them. Many long distance runners use them. Now, I too am a believer.

The reason I am feeling so optimistic about this is that I have covered 30 miles this week without any real issues with calf cramps. My current regiment, which seems to be working, is to wear the compression socks when I run and stretch my calves thoroughly after the run when my muscles have fully warmed. I'm not completely ready to declare victory yet. But, the indications are certainly encouraging.

The compression socks make sense, because the cramping can be caused by localized ischemia in the muscles of my calf during prolonged exercise. Improving the circulation with the use of compression socks should prevent the cramps from starting. That, at least, is my theory. Time will tell.

Here's how the week went. Tuesday, wearing my compression socks, I covered four miles walking one minute out of every ten. My calves were feeling good after that run. Wednesday would be the first real test of my theory. I planned to run eight miles. Again wearing the socks, I ran the first four miles without stopping and ran the second four miles walking one minute out of every ten. I stretched my calves after the run using the "stair stretch". My calves were feeling good after the run. That was an excellent sign. On Thursday, I walked to rest my calves. A three mile run on Friday ended my weekday workouts. The final, real test for the week was a 15 mile run on Sunday. I completed this run in just under two hours and 40 minutes. I am very happy to report that my calves are still feeling good. Despite a few aches from the long run, I now feel like I can begin my build-up to the marathon distance in earnest. Yes, so far the compression socks seem to be doing the trick.

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