Sunday, March 7, 2010

91 days and $3460 to go!

This week I stepped up the mileage, covering a total of 31 miles. My strategy of walking about 1 minute out of every 10 is working well to keep my leg muscles from cramping up. Monday I took the day off. The schedule I am following includes two days a week of rest, usually monday and friday. Depending on whether or not I am travelling, I may rest on different days. The rest days are an important part of this schedule, allowing my body to recover from the long runs.

Tuesday, I covered 9 miles. The long runs are typically done on saturday. But, since I did not have the time to do the run on saturday, I determined to get it in at the first opportunity, which was Tuesday. I felt strong throughout the run and even though I was a little weary at the end, my legs felt good afterward. I covered the distance at about an overall 9:30 pace. Pretty good, considering that includes the walking intervals.

Wednesday and Thursday were shorter days for me. I covered 3 miles on each of those days. The weather in Florida was unusually cold this week, averaging in the low 40s for the mornings, which was the time I did my running. Luckily, I heeded my wife's advice and took my long sleeve pullover with me on the trip.

Before I left Florida on Friday, I ran 6 miles. I'm still waiting to pick up my new shoes. I called the store on my way home on friday to discover that they had received the wrong size. Not what I ordered. So, I will have to wait a little longer.

Saturday was a day off, and today I ran 10 miles. I covered the distance in 1 hour, 33 minutes. This averages just under 9:20 per mile. I will slowly work my way up to a 20 mile run by increasing the distance of my long weekly run by a little each week.

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