Sunday, September 30, 2007

Run the Bird! Continued...

Two additional things I wanted to mention about the Akron Triathlon:
1) The race was, in my opinion, extremely well organized. A case in point is the support for the relays. Imagine needing to bus at least a couple of hundred people out to a remote site in the middle of the race. Then making sure each individual "connects" with the appropriate team member, running the previous leg, to be able to "pass the baton" (in this case bracelet) and continue the relay. In addition, imagine that many of the people standing around for up to two hours waiting have not met and maybe haven't even seen their relay team member before. Also, imagine trying to keep these couple of hundred people from wandering in front of the racers who are passing by in increasing numbers just a couple of yards away. Keeping runners orderly is a lot like herding cats! Not that runners aren't great people, they just tend to be very individualistic. Finally, multiply this by 4 sites and you have a small sense of the nightmare of logistics and organization facing the race organizers. Race organizers, I salute you!
2) The support among the people of Akron for the race was nothing short of amazing. On my leg, I passed many impromptu aid stations set up in people's front yards. Some playing inspirational music (the theme from "Rocky" certainly comes to mind) on their "boom boxes". Several public places had bands playing. All very encouraging especially when you are grinding out the last few miles.

Did I mention it was all a very wonderful experience? It most definitely was!

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