Sunday, February 24, 2008

A runner's Mecca

One of the cool things about travelling to a new place is that I get to try out a new route for my morning run. I was in Houston, Texas yesterday for a conference. On the shuttle ride from the airport the previous day the driver was talking about this great park near our hotel with a parcours and a 3 mile running trail. So, naturally, I was intrigued and he assured me that it was only about a mile from the hotel in which I was staying. I asked at the desk and found out the the complete route from the hotel to the park (Memorial Park), around the path, and back to the hotel was about 5 miles. So, I resolved to make that my route for yesterday's morning run.

Needing to get an early start, I was up a little after 5 and out the door a little before 6. I didn't need to take the map with me bacause the directions were very easy. Not sure exactly what I was looking for and not sure what I would find when I got there, I was a little apprehensive, wondering if it was a good idea to strike out on my own in the dark in a strange city. I had visions of a lonely run around a dark course in a park I didn't know, perhaps filled with muggers! Where's that pepper spray when you need it! :-)

Well... I headed out the door on a chilly (45 degree), dark morning. The run to the park was along a road with no sidewalks. The light traffic meant that I could run in the road part of the time (facing the cars of course). I was beginning to wonder whether I had missed the park entirely when I crested a rise in the road to see... lights! and... people! There it was, the park and the running course that, apparently, never sleeps! There were dozens of people visible on the well lit trail. There may have been upwards of a hundred or two people in the park at that time of the day enjoying the brisk weather and the company of other runners. It was great!

After covering about a mile, I pulled even with a woman who was going about my pace and struck up a conversation. No, as a guy I don't feel compelled to pass every woman I meet while running. I'm too old for that stupid macho stuff :-) Anyway, we had a nice run and chat for the remaining 2+ miles of the course. I was so absorbed in the conversation that I completely missed the turn to go back out to the road and return to my hotel. I only figured it out when I started noticing things that looked familiar along the course, like the parking lot. At that point I said a quick "good bye" and headed back. On the way back to the road, I spoke briefly with a guy who was wearing a "Team in training" shirt. It was a wonderful time.

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