Sunday, December 9, 2007

146 days and $1920 to go!

I thought of that while riding my bike.
-Albert Einstein, on the theory of relativity

It's been an interesting week. Monday started my training week with 2 unexpected 5 mile training runs in the cold and snow. I had intended to take the day off but found myself with no car and a dentist appointment in 1 hour. What would you have done?

I am still trying to figure out if there is any merit to this idea of massaging muscles to prevent cramps while running. I am not ready to declare victory but I think I may be on to something. I bought this thing called "theStick". At $35 it's a little pricey for a plastic stick with handles, but if it works it will be well worth many times that price. I have been massaging my calf muscles all week with this thing. If it actually works I will let you know.

I did take Tuesday and Thursday off, doing only my yoga routine to stay loose. Cold weather bicycling is a wonderful thing as long as I don't go too far from base so that I can come back in when important parts of my body start to freeze. The best way to combat the cold is to wear layers of light clothes and something to break the wind around your torso and chest. I have found that my Mako Surgical scrub cap makes a great lining for my bicycle helmet.

Short (and sometimes slightly longer) cold weather rides completed my training for the week. Finding myself again without a car on Wednesday I biked the 4 miles to and from the bank to cash an expense check. Friday, I biked to my daughter's office to visit her on her lunch hour. Saturday I started on a 1 hour ride but flattened my rear tube about 10 minutes into the ride. I walked home, patched the tube and then went for my ride. One circuit on the path through the park convinced me that I didn't want to do that again. The combination of snow, ice, and wet board walks had me riding no faster than a walk. It's great training for maintaining your balance on a bike but it is very tiring. Happily, today I got out for a ride before the freezing rain started. It's raining now and I can see the icycles hanging on the branches of the tree outside my back window.

I'm heading for Florida tomorrow morning where I hear it's a little warmer.

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